Submission information for Molly Green

Please send your questions about article writing to us through our contact us page. We are looking for writers on all things Homesteading, Homekeeping, Homeschooling, and Homeindustry. Please review our online articles to get a feel for our style and the types of articles we are interested in.

Articles about planting, caring for young animals, and making it through the end of the school year will usually appear in spring months. In the fall you will find articles on preserving food, hunting, starting your homeschool year, etc. At any time we would like articles on starting or managing a home-based business and running a home successfully. Crafting, DIY projects, being prepared for the future, and caring for the homestead are all appropriate topics at any time.

Online articles(1,500 – 2,500 words) articles are accepted. We also request an author bio at the end of the article (about 40 words). Writers for our Molly Green Bite-Sized Guides (8,000 – 12,000 words) are encourage to talk with us about your ideas.