Homekeeping Articles
A Journey to Motherhood
I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a mother. But for all of my fear and trepidation, motherhood has not robbed me of anything valuable. It has given me more than I ever imagined.
Nine Indoor Plants That Remove Toxins & Purify Air
Did you realize that indoor plants can help your rid your home of toxins?
The Wealth of Living on One Income
Does trying to live on one income sometimes overwhelm you? Cynthia Rey examines the blessing of choosing this way of life.
Green Treasures
Instead of killing your weeds, use them to create healthy and delicious salads and smoothies.
To Spy or Not to Spy
Should parents monitor their children’s activity on social media and electric devices?
Build a Menu: Delicious Monte Cristo Sandwich
In this Build a Menu video Lisa and Karee demonstrate how to make delicious, spicy Monte Cristo sandwiches.
Five Fun Earth Day Activities and Crafts
Enjoy doing some fun craft and activities together with your children as a reminder to be good stewards of the earth.
Slow Cooker Safety Tips
Wanting to use your slow cooker more often, but not sure what’s safe? Lisa Holcomb of Build a Menu gives us some tips in this article.