Homesteader Lessons and Why I Don’t Call it Failure

Being a homesteader can be tough! Having to create everything from scratch that your family needs to survive can be daunting, especially when your hard work is met with failure. Find out why Esther Emery of YouTube’s hit “Fouch Family Off Grid” believes building an independent life is still worth the struggle.

Aprons . . . and Patience

Sometimes the “easiest” tasks can try our patience, but our children learn what we model. If they see us struggling, and then practicing patience, so will they.

Running A Business From Home, 4 Things You MUST Do First

By Rhonda Barfield You’ve got this great idea for a home business, and you just know it’s going to be a winner. You’re already home-based, and you have some extra time. This seems like an ideal fit. So what could go wrong? Actually, quite a lot. A lot could go right, too. But either way, …

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