Winter Weather Hair Care

Winter Weather Hair Care
Winter weather can wreak havoc on your hair. Cold and wind can strip the cuticle of the hair, making it rough and more prone to static and dryness. Static flyaways, dry, frizzy ends, and hat head can give any fashionista a run for her money. But don’t give up without a fight!

A few simple tricks can keep you one step ahead of the weather:

  • Use a leave-in conditioner. Dehydrated hair breaks more easily when brushed, so keep your hair moisturized with a leave-in conditioner. It’s super simple to make your own using whatever conditioner is your favorite. Simply mix conditioner and water together in a spray bottle, spray on your hair and comb through after a shampoo. Use one part conditioner to three parts water.
  • Be gentle with your hair. To avoid breakage, use a wide-tooth comb after shampooing and blot hair dry, rather than rubbing.
  • Extend time between shampoos. If you normally shampoo daily, try skipping a day between shampoos. If you feel your hair is too oily, consider using a dry shampoo to soak up extra oil and remove dirt on your off day. Plain cornstarch is an effective and inexpensive dry shampoo. Fill a salt shaker or old powder container with cornstarch, sprinkle over your hair, and brush through.
  • Finish off with a blast of cold. Rough cuticles do a poor job of reflecting light and make hair look dry and lifeless. Ending your wash with a rinse of cold water and finishing your blowout with a blast of cold air can help smooth and seal the cuticle.
  • Visit the laundry room. If you’re suffering from static electricity, grab an unscented dryer sheet and run it over your head to tame flyaways. (Keep one in your purse or glove compartment for a quick fix when you’re out and about.)
  • Fight hat head. Cotton hats generate less static than wool or acrylic. To retain volume in long hair, use a clip to pull your hair toward the top and forward before putting on your hat.
  • Take your vitamins. A bottle of vitamin E oil, purchased from your local health food store and applied before bed, will do a great job of restoring moisture to your hair.
  • Be sure to eat foods high in essential fatty acids, such as tuna, salmon, and walnuts.
  • Nix the heat. Avoid heated appliances when styling, if possible. The less hot air you use on your hair, the more moisture can be retained from your shampoo or conditioner. Allow your hair to air-dry when possible.

Take advantage of these tips, and your hair will be giving winter weather the cold shoulder.

What about you- do you have any tricks or tips to add?

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